RT Report T1 Asymptotic Theory for Rotated Multivariate GARCH Models A1 Asai, Manabu A1 Chang, Chia-Lin A1 McAleer, Michael A1 Laurent, Pauwels AB In this paper, we derive the statistical properties of a two step approach to estimating multivariate GARCH rotated BEKK (RBEKK) models. By the definition of rotated BEKK, we estimate the unconditional covariance matrix in the first step in order to rotate observed variables to have the identity matrix for its sample covariance matrix. In the second step, we estimate the remaining parameters via maximizing the quasi-likelihood function. For this two step quasi-maximum likelihood (2sQML) estimator, we show consistency and asymptotic normality under weak conditions. While second-order moments are needed for consistency of the estimated unconditional covariance matrix, the existence of finite sixthorder moments are required for convergence of the second-order derivatives of the quasilog-likelihood function. 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