%0 Journal Article %A Ballesteros, H. G. %A Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio %A Martín Mayor, Víctor %A Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio %T Finite size effects on measures of critical exponents in d=3 O(N) models %D 1996 %@ 0370-2693 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/60098 %X We study the critical properties of three-dimensional O(N) models, for N = 2,3,4. Parameterizing the leading correctionsto-scaling for the r] exponent, we obtain a reliable infinite volume extrapolation, incompatible with previous Monte Carlo values, but in agreement with e-expansions. We also measure the critical exponent related with the tensorial magnetization as well as the v exponents and critical couplings. %~