%0 Journal Article %A Urbanos Garrido, Rosa María %A Lopez Valcarcel, Beatriz G. %T The influence of the economic crisis on the association between unemployment and health: an empirical analysis for Spain %D 2015 %@ 1618-7601 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/23800 %X To estimate the impact of (particularly longterm) unemployment on the overall and mental health of the Spanish working-age population and to check whether the effects of unemployment on health have increased or been tempered as a consequence of the economic crisis. Methods We apply a matching technique to cross-sectional microdata from the Spanish Health Survey for the years 2006 and 2011–2012 to estimate the average treatment effect of unemployment on self-assessed health (SAH) in the last year, mental problems in the last year and on the mental health risk in the short term. We also use a differences-in-differences estimation method between the two periods to check if the impact of unemployment on health depends on the economic context. %~