%0 Journal Article %A Relaño Pérez, Armando %A Dukelsky, J. %A Gómez Gómez, José María %A Retamosa Granado, Joaquín %T Stringent numerical test of the Poisson distribution for finite quantum integrable Hamiltonians %D 2004 %@ 1539-3755 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/51288 %X Using a class of exactly solvable models based on the pairing interaction, we show that it is possible to construct integrable Hamiltonians with a Wigner distribution of nearest-neighbor level spacings. However, these Hamiltonians involve many-body interactions and the addition of a small integrable perturbation very quickly leads the system to a Poisson distribution. Besides this exceptional case, we show that the accumulated distribution of an ensemble of random integrable two-body pairing Hamiltonians is in perfect agreement with the Poisson limit. These numerical results for quantum integrable Hamiltonians provide a further empirical confirmation of the work of Berry and Tabor in the semiclassical limit. %~