RT Book, Section T1 Interpreting carbonate particles in modern continental sands: an example from fluvial sands (Iberian Range, Spain) A1 Arribas Mocoroa, José A1 Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia AB We analyzed modern fluvial sands in the Iberian Range in order to obtain an accurate description of the different typologies of carbonate grains and to interpret their origin. Head streams of the Iberian Range mainly receive carbonate sediments as (1) fragments from ancient carbonate rocks, and (2) penecontemporaneous car­ bonate grains generated in the fluvial channels or in associated subenvironments. The erosion of proximal carbonate sources (Jurassic and Cretaceous in age) contributes to the generation of carbonate rock fragments. In addition, erosion of recent freshwater tufas, carbonate soils, and other recent carbonates produces an important volume of penecontemporaneous carbonate particles. Temperate to subhu mid climate and short transport conditions promote good preservation of the composition and textures of carbonate grains in modern fluvial sands. Detailed petrographic analyses on penecon­ temporaneous carbonates provide diagnostic clues of their origin. Four main petro­ graphic classes of penecontemporaneous grains have been established: (1) penecon­ temporaneous micritic grains, which are composed of microcrystalline calcite with a filamentous or laminated microfabric, are derived from erosion of recent freshwa­ ter carbonate tufas. Penecontemporaneous micritic grains with alveolar microfabric are derived from recent carbonate soils. (2) Penecontemporaneous sparitic grains, which are composed of single crystals or of mosaics with filamentous microfabric, are the result of erosion of carbonate tufas. Other penecontemporaneous sparitic grains include Microcodium and speleothems fragments. (3) Penecontemporaneous coated grains, which are composed of a nucleus plus a coating of penecontemporane­ ous carbonate, represent bioinduced carbonate particles (cyanoliths) that originate in streams. (4) Penecontemporaneous bioclasts, made from charophytes, ostracods, and mollusks, are rare. ldentification of these grain categories in ancient deposits has implications for coeval carbonate supplies during fluvial sedimentation. PB Geological Society of America SN 9780813724201 YR 2007 FD 2007-01 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/53574 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/53574 LA eng NO DGICYT DS Docta Complutense RD 21 sept 2024