RT Journal Article T1 Reminder and 2AFC tasks provide similar estimates of the difference limen: a reanalysis of data from Lapid, Ulrich, and Rammsayer (2008) and a discussion of Ulrich and Vorberg (2009) A1 García Pérez, Miguel Ángel A1 Alcalá Quintana, Rocío AB Lapid, Ulrich, and Rammsayer (2008) reported that estimates of the difference limen (DL) from a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task are higher than those obtained from a reminder task. This article reanalyzes their data in order to correct an error in their estimates of the DL from 2AFC data. We also extend the psychometric functions fitted to data from both tasks to incorporate an extra parameter that has been shown to allow obtaining accurate estimates of the DL that are unaffected by lapses. Contrary to Lapid et al.'s conclusion, our reanalysis shows that DLs estimated with the 2AFC task are only minimally (and not always significantly) larger than those estimated with the reminder task. We also show that their data are contaminated by response bias, and that the small remaining difference between DLs estimated with 2AFC and reminder tasks can be reasonably attributed to the differential effects that response bias has in either task as they were defined in Lapid et al.'s experiments. Finally, we discuss a novel approach presented by Ulrich and Vorberg (2009) for fitting psychometric functions to 2AFC discrimination data. PB Springer SN 1943-393X YR 2010 FD 2010-05 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/44906 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/44906 LA eng NO Alcalá-Quintana, R., & García-Pérez, M. A. (2007). A comparison of fixed-step-size and Bayesian staircases for sensory threshold estimation. Spatial Vision, 20, 197–218.Alcalá-Quintana, R., & García-Pérez, M. A. (2009). A model for the time-order error in contrast discrimination. Manuscript submitted for publication.Armstrong, L., & Marks, L. E. (1997). 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