%0 Journal Article %A Luengo Velasco, Ignacio %T Clasificación de puntos dobles de superficies algebroides sumergidas %D 1981 %@ 0214-1493 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/64826 %X It is a well-known result that one can associate to each embedded algrebroid surfaces (E.A.S.), such that mult(s)=2, and algebroid curve c(v) (not necesarilly reduced). On the other hand, is [5] we associate to each E.A.S. W a finite weighted tree Ar (W). In this work we prove that if S and S' are E.A.S. with m(S) = m(S')= 2, then Ar(S')= Ar(S) if and only if C(S) and C(s') are equisingular as non-reduced curves. %~