RT Journal Article T1 Aggression, Pleasure, and Cognitive Dissonance A1 Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María A1 Martín Ramírez, J. AB The relationship between aggression, pleasure and decision-making is analyzed applying a mediation model of structural equation modeling (SEM). The study explored it in two samples of similar age: young offenders and university students. A close relationship between aggression and pleasure was found in both populations. But, whereas in the case of university students, this congruence leads to a normal or adjusted behavior, in the case of young offenders, however, a mismatched evaluation of conflict and provocation leads them to make unacceptable violence decisions. PB Bentham Open SN 1874-3501 YR 2014 FD 2014 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/33802 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/33802 LA spa NO [1] Ramirez JM. Agresión. Un enfoque psicobiológico. Valencia: Promolibro 1996. [2] Cabanac M. Sensory pleasure. Quarterly Rev Biol 1979; 54: 1-29. 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