%0 Thesis %A Clemente Palacios, María Victoria %T Ángeles López de Ayala (1858-1926): icono del librepensamiento en la España de entre siglos %D 2016 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/21255 %X Durante las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX y las primeras del XX, España fue escenario de diferentes proyectos políticos y sociales asociados al republicanismo y las ideologías de izquierdas. Sus promotores hablaban de conseguir la regeneración del país mediante la reorganización de la sociedad. Se trataba, según ellos, de sacar al país del atraso en el que se encontraba y de acercarlo a aquellos países en los que el progreso se había impuesto a las fuerzas partidarias de mantener las viejas y caducas estructuras sociales y regímenes políticos. Entre estos grupos progresistas el discurso dominante era el de un cambio social y político radical. Volvían con nostalgia su mirada hacia atrás, teniendo como modelo la Primera República y sus ideales, y aspiraban a implantar la Segunda República. Su discurso anticlerical y antimonárquico promovía una revolución social y política, que cambiase totalmente el país en todos sus aspectos: costumbres, política, educación, y también que reinventase las relaciones de género, y redefiniese el papel de la mujer en la nueva sociedad... %X For the last two decades of the 19th century and the two first of the 20th, Spain was the scene of various political and social movements related to Republicanism, Freethinking, Freemasonry and leftist ideologies. their promoters hoped to achieve the reorganization of society as well as the regeneration of the country. They sought both social and political changes that could lead them to the democratization of the country with reforms at all State levels. Their discourse against the Church and the Monarchy aimed for a complete social and political revolution m customs, traditions, politics, education, the reinvention of gender relations and the redefining women's role in the new society. Until very recently, we have only heard about men's leading at the time of these processes of change. However, more and more we are witnesses of new research that reveals the presence of female voices rescued from that period and whose political and social activism was considerable. They were women who did not accept being excluded from these progressive movements. Therefore, they claimed their right to participate in a public way. They created their own spaces to share and make themselves heard. They became authors, speakers, propagandists and joumalists with extensive publications, both journalistic and literary, many of them very difficult to be found today. One of these women was Angeles López de Ayala, a freethinker, republican, mason and feminist. Very well known for her social and political activism, her more radical attacks were aimed the Monarchy a d the church. She developed a very modem discourse for the emancipation of the working class and women. She played a leading role in the campaigns vindicating laicism in the Spanish society, especially concerning education and women, and against war and the death penalty... %~