%0 Thesis %A Warren, Vicki Ann %T Las iluminaciones del Apocalipsis: Gonzalo de Berceo y el Beato de Silos %D 2014 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/38443 %X El objetivo principal de la presente tesis doctoral es demostrar la estrecha vinculación entre una obra de arte visual y una literaria. En nuestro caso específico, estaríamos hablando de la relación entre el Beato de Silos, con aproximadamente setenta ilustraciones, del siglo XI, y un poema de setenta y siete versos escrito por Gonzalo de Berceo a mediados del siglo XIII. Es bastante comprensible que ambas obras, el manuscrito iluminado y el poema de Berceo, expresen el mismo Weltanschauung. Umberto Eco lo ha explicado muy bien en su obra El nombre de la rosa: pictura est laicorum literatura (2006: 62). En efecto, en una misma época histórica es muy común encontrar que el arte plástico, ya sea pintura o escultura, muestre las mismas ideas que se expresan en la literatura, un arte textual que, como bien sabemos, emplea la palabra escrita como medio de expresión. Estamos tratando de definir un concepto que en alemán se conoce como Kunstwollen2, término que puede traducirse como «espíritu» o «voluntad de arte». Este espíritu se manifiesta en diversos aspectos de la cultura y de las obras de arte de una época específica. Lo habitual es que las obras artísticas producidas por una misma cultura —ya sean textuales, plásticas, musicales o teatrales— expresen idéntico espíritu artístico. De cada época es la «visión común del mundo», o también Weltanschauung, lo que expresa la perspectiva que tienen los hombres en ese entorno, de acuerdo a su posición en el mismo... %X The purpose of the thesis is to show relationships between the visual arts and the textual arts; in this case, the dialogue between an illustrated manuscript and a poem, both from the Middle Ages in Northern Spain. Since these two works of art belong to the same epoch, they of course express the same Künstwöllen or Art Spirit. In this thesis it is shown that the illuminated manuscript from the 10th century, the Beato of Silos, actually had an influence on the literature of the 13th century. This investigation intends to demonstrate that the codex from the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos inspired Gonzalo de Berceo, in 1250, to write Signos que aperecerán antes del Juicio Final. To demonstrate the correlation between the illuminated manuscript dating from early Middle Ages and the poem which dates over 250 years later, it is necessary to put both of these works in their historical and cultural context. During the time of the fabrication of both the illustrated manuscript known as Beato of Silos as well as the creation of the poem Signos que aparecerán antes del Juicio Final it was the security and protection offered to the poets, illustrators and other intellectuals of their era by the monastery that made their production possible. In the 8th century to the 13th century illuminated manuscripts, known as miniaturas, were created. A specific group of illuminated codices are known as «the Beatos», taking their name from the author and illustrator of the first Beatus made by the Beato of Liébana in the 8th century, from which all subsequent Beatos were copied. The Beato of Silos expresses an extraordinary combination the of iconographical styles, for example Carolingian and Mozarab, that were found contemporaneously in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. The poem Signos also fits into the context of the monastic life. The poet, clergyman and deacon Gonzalo de Berceo participated in the same concerns and desires of the artists responsible for the illuminated manuscript Beato of Silos. What is seen is that it is only natural that both of these works manifest to the viewer, or to the reader, a similar world view, or Weltanschauung. By first presenting both of these works in their own contexts, they can be appreciated more objectively. After analyzing separately both the visual and the textual subjects of the study, we can see more clearly the correlations between them and conceive of a dialogue between them. While it is noted that works of art, from visual to textual, belonging to the same era will manifest the same visions, it is furthermore possible to demonstrate that a connection between them exists. A visual image, a symbol, can be a more direct means of expression than words. But, on some levels, words can give a more thorough and extensive insight into the occupations and preoccupations of the human mind. When these different forms of expressing the same world view are contemplated side by side, we can have a more complete picture of what our esthetic and cultural heritage is... %~