%0 Journal Article %A Masa, Elisa %A Ares Santos, Laura %A Luis Aina, Alfredo %T Nonclassical joint distributions and Bell measurements %D 2020 %@ 0375-9601 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/6313 %X Derivation and experimental violation of Bell-like inequalities involve the measurement of incompatible observables. Simple complementarity forbids the existence of such joint probability distribution. Moreover, the measurement of incompatible observables requires different experimental procedures, which no necessarily must share a common joint statistics. In this work, we avoid these difficulties by proposing a joint simultaneous measurement. We can obtain the exact individual statistics of all the observables involved in the Bell inequalities after a suitable data inversion. A lack of positivity or any other pathology of the so retrieved joint distribution is then a signature of nonclassical behavior. %~