RT Journal Article T1 Candida albicans Modifies the Protein Composition and Size Distribution of THP1 macrophages-derived Extracellular Vesicles. A1 Reales Calderón, Jose Antonio A1 Vaz, Catarina A1 Monteoliva Díaz, Lucía A1 Molero, Gloria A1 Gil, Concha AB The effectiveness of macrophages in the response to systemic candidiasis is crucial to an effective clearance of the pathogen. The secretion of proteins, mRNAs, non-coding RNAs and lipids through extracellular vesicles (EVs) is one of the mechanisms of communication between immune cells. EVs change their cargo to mediate different responses, and may play a role in the response against infections. Thus, we have undertaken the first quantitative proteomic analysis on the protein composition of THP1 macrophages-derived EVs during the interaction with Candida albicans. This study revealed changes in EVs sizes and in protein composition, and allowed the identification and quantification of 717 proteins. Of them, 133 proteins changed their abundance due to the interaction. The differentially abundant proteins were involved in functions relating to immune response, signaling, or cytoskeletal reorganization. THP1-derived EVs, both from control and from Candida-infected macrophages, had similar effector functions on other THP1-differenciated macrophages, activating ERK and p38 kinases, and increasing both the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and the candidacidal activity; while in THP1 non-differenciated monocytes, only EVs from infected macrophages increased significantly the TNF-α secretion. Our findings provide new information on the role of macrophage-derived EVs in response to C. albicans infection and in macrophages communication. PB American Chemical Society SN 1535-3907 YR 2016 FD 2016-10-14 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/19005 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/19005 LA eng NO 1) Brown, G. D.; Denning, D. W.; Gow, N. A.; Levitz, S. M.; Netea,M. G.; White, T. C. 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