RT Journal Article T1 On dual based lower bounds for the sequential ordering problem with precedences and due dates A1 Ortuño, M. T. A1 Alonso-Ayuso, A. A1 Detti, Paolo A1 Escudero, Laureano F. AB The Sequential Ordering Problem ( herewith, SOP) with precedence relationships was introduced in Escudero (1988), and extended to cover release and due dates in Escudero and Sciomachen (1993). It has a broad range of applications, mainly in production planning for manufacturing systems. The problem consists of finding a minimum weight Hamiltonian path on a directed graph with weights on the nodes and the arcs, satisfying precedence relationships among the nodes and given lower and upper bounds on the weights of the Hamiltonian subpaths. In this paper we present a model for the constrained minimum weight Hamiltonian path problem with precedences and due dates forcing constraints, and introduce related valid cuts that can be used in a separation framework for the dual (Lagrangian based) relaxation of the problem. We also provide an heuristic separation procedure to obtain those cuts, so-called the Lagrangian Relax-and-Cut (LRC) scheme. Computational experience is given for variations of some SOP cases already reported in the literature. PB Springer SN 0254-5330 YR 2003 FD 2003-11 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50247 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50247 LA eng NO Ascheuer, N. (1995). “Hamiltonian Path Problems in the On-line Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Systems.” Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University, Berlin, Germany. Ascheuer, N., L.F. Escudero, M. Grötschel, and M. Stoer. 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