RT Journal Article T1 Parametric characterization of the spatial structure of partially coherent and partially polarized beams A1 Piquero Sanz, Gemma María A1 Martínez Herrero, María Rosario A1 Mejías Arias, Pedro Miguel AB On the basis of the second-order intensity moments formalism, the relationship between the spatial structure and the overall polarization characteristics of partially polarized Gaussian Schell-model beams of a certain kind has been investigated. More specifically, attention has been focused on a type of source that cannot be distinguished from ordinary Gaussian Schell-model fields when polarization measurements are disregarded. For this class of beams several general properties have been obtained that enable us to link the beam coherence polarization matrix and the beam quality parameter with certain polarization degrees recently introduced in the literature. PB IOP Publishing Ltd. SN 1464-4258 YR 2004 FD 2004-03 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50877 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50877 LA eng NO [1] Lavi S, Prochaska R and Keren E 1998 Generalized beam parameters and transformation law for partially coherent light Appl. Opt. 27 3696-703.[2] Simon R, Mukunda N and Sudarshan E C G 1988 Partially coherent beams and a generalized ABCD-law Opt. Commun. 65 322-8.[3] Bastiaans M J 1989 Propagation laws for the second-order moments of the Wigner distribution function in first-order optical systems Optik 82 173-81.[4] Siegman A E 1990 New developments in laser resonators Laser Resonators (Proc. SPIE vol 1224) ed D A Holmes (Bellingham, WA: SPIE Optical Engineering Press) pp 2-14.[5] Serna J, Martínez-Herrero R and Mejías P M 1991 Parametric characterization of general partially coherent beams propagating through ABCD optical systems J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 8 1094-8.[6] Weber H 1992 Propagation of higher-order intensity moments in quadratic-index media Opt. Quantum Electron. 24 1027-49.[7] Mejías P M, Weber H, Martínez-Herrero R and González-Ureña A (ed) 1993 Proc. 1st Workshop on Laser Beam Characterization (Madrid: SEDO).[8] Weber H, Reng N, Lüdtke J and Mejías P M (ed) 1994 Proc. 2nd Workshop on Laser Beam Characterization (Berlin: Festkörper-Laser-Institut Verlin).[9] Morin M and Giesen A (ed) 1996 Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Laser Beam Characterization (Quebec, 1996) Proc. SPIE 2870.[10] Giesen A and Morin M (ed) 1998 Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization (Munich: VDI-TechnologieZentrum).[11] Laabs H and Weber H (ed) 2000 Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization (Munich: VDI-TechnologieZentrum).[12] Giesen A and Weber H (ed) 2002 Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization Proc. SPIE 4932.[13] Lü Q, Dong S and Weber H 1995 Analysis of TEM00 laser beam quality degradation caused by a birefringent Nd:YAG rod Opt. Quantum Electron. 27 777-83.[14] Martínez-Herrero R, Mejías P M and Movilla J M 1997 Spatial characterization of partially polarized beams Opt. Lett. 22 206-8.[15] Movilla J M, Piquero G, Martínez-Herrero R and Mejías P M 1998 Parametric characterization of non-uniformly polarized beams Opt. Commun. 149 230-4.[16] Piquero G, Movilla J M, Mejías P M and Martínez-Herrero R 1999 Degree of polarization of non-uniformly partially polarized beams: a proposal Opt. Quantum Electron. 31 223-5.[17] Movilla J M, Piquero G, Martínez-Herrero R and Mejías P M 2000 On the measurement of the generalized degree of polarization Opt. Quantum Electron. 32 1333-42.[18] Gori F, Santarsiero M, Piquero G, Borghi R, Mondello A and Simon R 2001 Partially polarized Gaussian Schell-model beams J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 3 1-9.[19] Piquero G, Gori F, Romanini P, Santarsiero M, Borghi R and Mondello A 2002 Synthesis of partially polarized Gaussian Schell-model sources Opt. Commun. 208 9-16.[20] Gori F 1998 Matrix treatment for partially polarized, partially coherent beams Opt. Lett. 23 241-3.[21] Gori F, Santarsiero M, Vicalvi S, Borghi R and Guattari G 1998 Beam coherence-polarization matrix J. Eur. Opt. Soc. A 7 941-51.[22] Mandel L and Wolf E 1995 Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). NO © 2004 IOP Publishing Ltd.The research work leading to this paper was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, Project BFM2001-1356, within the framework of EUREKA projects EU-2359. NO Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain NO European Union EUREKA Projects DS Docta Complutense RD 21 sept 2024