%0 Book %T Las familias madrileñas. Sus características y necesidades: Primera Encuesta Municipal sobre Familia publisher Ayuntamiento de Madrid. %D 2005 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/54614 %X Estudio basado en la aplicación de una encuesta a 4,000 familias residentes en la Comunidad de Madrid, analizando sus necesidades y demandas y vinculándolas a los recursos familiares e institucionales. Búsqueda y prueba de indicadores para medir: Conciliación familiar y laboral; crianza y educación de los hijos; empleo; vivienda; urbanismo y transporte; ocio y tiempo libre; cuidado de menores, mayores y discapacitados; adicciones y drogodependencias, entre otros aspectos. %X This is a study based on the application of a survey on a representative sample of 4,000 families residing in Madrid. It is the first survey conducted in the Municipality of Madrid and is a pioneering study of the Observatory on Family of Madrid City, established in 2004. It is also a thorough analysis of the situation and state of the families of Madrid, which offers an overview about the characteristics, the needs and the problems related to different typologies of families. It is an applied research aimed at finding and testing indicators to measure the following: Work-life balance; children´s upbringing and education; employment; housing; urban planning and transport; leisure and free time; childe, elderly or disabled care; drugs and other addictions. It examines the families´ requests to intitutions and it investigates how the citizens assess the social services, assistance and social benefits received in their capacity as memebers of family units. The primary purspose of the information contained in this study is its use for the design and implementation of public policies destined to families. %~