%0 Journal Article %A Muñoz Martín, Alfonso %A Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo De %A González Casado, José Manuel %T Análisis tensorial de la deformación superpuesta en el límite oriental de la cuenca de Madrid %D 1994 %@ 0213-4497 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/58219 %X An analysis of Neogene brittle deformation using fault population analysis methods has been carried out between the SW border of the Iberian Range andAltomira Range. Two main paleostress fields have been established: 1) N70E - N120E compression (Altomira paleostress field) ofLate Oligocene- Early Miocene age that induced the formation of the SW border of Iberian Range and Altomira - Pareja thrust belts with reverse and strike-slip faults.2) N140-N160E compression (Guadarrama paleostress field) of Middle Aragonian - early Pleistocene age that reactivated previous faults with strikeslip movement along the Iberian Range. A superposition of two regional stress fields (Iberian and Guadarrama) isproposed to explain E-W compression that formed Altomira Range. Stress tensorial additions have been realized to check this hypothesis. %~