%0 Journal Article %A Lara, Francisco %A Mazimpaka, Vicente %A Garilleti, Ricardo %A Medina Bujalance, Rafael %T Orthotrichum Norrisii (Orthotrichaceae), A New Epiphytic Californian Moss %D 2008 %@ 0007-2745 %@ 1938-4378 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/95381 %X A new Orthotrichum species, O. norrisii, is described from California. The new taxon is recognized by a unique combination of sporophytic characters: capsule narrowly cylindrical and not contracted below mouth when dry, exothecial bands narrow and formed by 2(–3) cell rows, peristome with eight pairs of exostome teeth and eight endostome segments, stomata cryptopore and located in the lower part of the urn, lid plane and rostrate and vaginula hairy. Widely distributed throughout California, the new taxon has been overlooked and confused with O. tenellum. %~