RT Journal Article T1 Microbial Matryoshka: Addressing the Relationship between Pathogenic Flagellated Protozoans and Their RNA Viral Endosymbionts (Family Totiviridae). A1 Ibáñez Escribano, Alexandra A1 Gómez Muñoz, María Teresa A1 Mateo Barrientos, Marta A1 Fonseca Berzal, Cristina Rosa A1 Gómez-Lucía Duato, María Esperanza A1 García-Pérez, Raquel A1 Alunda Rodríguez, José María A1 Carrión Herrero, Francisco Javier AB Giardiosis, trichomonosis, leishmaniosis, and trypanosomosis are parasitic diseases caused by flagellated protozoa that have a major global health impact, and their control is a priority action line in the agenda of the current One Health Program. The pathogens causing these diseases can establish an endosymbiotic relationship with RNA viruses of the Totiviridae family that can alter the course of the final infection in a mammal. To easily understand the sequence of interactions that occur between the agents involved, from a structural point of view, we can imagine a “matryoshka”-type infection model, wherein the virus represents the smallest matryoshka infecting the flagellated protozoan, which represents the medium matryoshka infecting the mammal, the largest matryoshka. In this manuscript, we will review the available information on the complications generated, such as the aggravation of pathogenesis or treatment failures, because of the established association between these flagellated pathogens and their respective endosymbiont viruses. Accurate diagnosis is required to detect these situations of endosymbiont co-infection and to be able to apply tailor-made treatments that target both the flagellated parasite and the virus that hides inside it. Taken together, these approaches will allow us to achieve and optimize appropriate sanitary control strategies. PB MDPI YR 2024 FD 2024-07-17 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/107060 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/107060 LA eng NO Ibañez-Escribano, Alexandra, et al. «Microbial Matryoshka: Addressing the Relationship between Pathogenic Flagellated Protozoans and Their RNA Viral Endosymbionts (Family Totiviridae)». Veterinary Sciences, vol. 11, n.o 7, julio de 2024, p. 321. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci11070321. DS Docta Complutense RD 12 oct 2024