RT Journal Article T1 Influence of platelet-rich plasma on the histologic charcteristics of the autologous fat graft to the upper lip of rabbits A1 Rodríguez-Flores, Jordi A1 Palomar Gallego, María Angustias A1 Enguita Valls, Ana Belén A1 Rodríguez Peralto, José Luis A1 Torres García-Denche, Jesús AB Background: This study evaluated the influence of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the histologic characteristics of autologous fat grafts to the upper lip of rabbits.Methods: Nine New Zealand white rabbits were used. eight of the rabbits underwent fat harvest from the groin fat pads using a modified Coleman technique. One side of the upper lip was infiltrated with autologous fat and the other side with fat and PRP. Four of the inflitrated rabbits were killed 8 weeks after the lip augmentation, and the remaining four infiltrated rabbits plus one control case were killed 12 weeeks after the procedure. Coronal sections of both upper lips were analyzed microscopically to evaluate the quality of the fat graft, the inflammtory reaction, the presence of oil cysts, the degree of fibrosis, and the neovascularization.Results: The infiltration of adipose tissue plus PRP presented less inflammtory reaction (p<0.05) and fewer oil cysts (p<0.05) than the infiltration of isolated fat. Platelet-rich plasma increases the maintenance of the transplanted fat cells. PB Springer SN 0364-216X YR 2011 FD 2011 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/44538 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/44538 LA spa DS Docta Complutense RD 6 oct 2024