RT Journal Article T1 Tectonic evolution of a continental subduction‐exhumationchannel: Variscan structure of the basal allochthonousunits in NW Spain A1 Díez Fernández, Rubén A1 Martínez Catalán, José Ramón A1 Arenas Martín, Ricardo A1 Abati Gómez, Jacobo AB A regional study starting from detailed geological mapping has been carried out inthe Malpica‐Tui Complex of Galicia in NW Spain. The complex is formed by twounits representing pieces of the external edge of Gondwana, subducted and exhumedduring the Variscan collision. The study shows that synsubduction and earlysynexhumation structures in continental subduction channels tends to be obscuredand even erased once exhumation is complete. Detailed structural analysis, matched withthe knowledge of the history, and available data for other Galician basal units haveelucidated the major structures developed during the subduction‐exhumation process.The results include evidence of the plate convergence causing early Variscan continentalsubduction of the Gondwana margin. Subduction was followed by exhumation drivenby ductile thrusting within the subduction channel, which, in turn, provoked crustalduplication in the subducted slab and modified the initial tectonometamorphic architectureof the subduction wedge. The next step was accretion to the adjacent continental domains,placing the subduction wedge on top of unsubducted parts of the Gondwana marginvia ductile thrusting. Thrusting was preceded by progressive propagation of a train ofrecumbent folds toward the foreland that affected the previous structural stack. Subsequenttransference of oceanic (Rheic) and peri‐Gondwanan terranes to the Gondwana margintook place by out‐of‐sequence thrusting followed by crustal extensional collapse andstrike‐slip tectonics PB European Geoscience Union SN 0278-7407 YR 2011 FD 2011 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42446 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42446 LA eng DS Docta Complutense RD 3 oct 2024