%0 Journal Article %A Lombardo, Emanuela %A Meier, Petra %A Verloo, Mieke %T Policymaking from a Gender+ Equality Perspective %D 2017 %@ 1554-477X %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/18151 %X This article discusses policymaking from a gender+ equality perspective. It connects the knowledge from various subfields ranging from development planning, to feminist policy studies, to works on gender mainstreaming. By connecting different but convergent feminist subdisciplines, it draws a picture of the field of gender+ and policymaking. Central in this analysis are the questioning of gender+ bias in the policy process and the development of strategies to mainstream gender into policymaking. By delineating the boundaries of research on gender and policymaking, the article addresses existing challenges and reflects on gaps and promising terrains of study that could further develop and establish the field of feminist policy studies. %~