RT Report T1 Sovereigns and banks in the euro area: A tale of two crises A1 Gómez-Puig, Marta A1 Sosvilla-Rivero, Simón A1 Singh, Manish K. AB This study attempts to identify and trace inter-linkages between sovereign and banking risk in the euro area. To this end, we use an indicator of banking risk in each country based on the Contingent Claim Analysis literature, and 10-year government yield spreads over Germany as a measure of sovereign risk. We apply a dynamic approach to testing for Granger causality between the two measures of risk in 10 euro area countries, allowing us to check for contagion in the form of a significant and abrupt increase in short-run causal linkages. The empirical results indicate that episodes of contagion vary considerably in both directions over time and within the different EMU countries. Significantly, we find that causal linkages tend to strengthen particularly at the time of major financial crises. The empirical evidence suggests the presence of contagion, mainly from banks to sovereigns. PB Asociación Española de Economía y Finanzas Internacionales SN 1696-6376 YR 2015 FD 2015-01 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/41630 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/41630 LA eng NO Alter, A., & Schüler, Y. S. (2012). Credit spread interdependencies of European states and banks during the financial crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36, 3444-3468.Alter, A., & Beyer, A. (2014). The dynamics of spillover effects during the European sovereign debt turmoil. Journal of Banking and Finance, 42, 134–153.Acharya, V., & Steffen, S. (2013). The “greatest” carry trade ever? Understanding Eurozone bank risks. Working Paper 19039, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.Acharya, V., Drechsler, I., & Schnabl, P. (2014). A pyrrhic victory? Bank bailouts and sovereign credit risk. The Journal of Finance, forthcoming.Beirne, J., & Fratzscher, M. (2013). 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