%0 Journal Article %A Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio %A Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio %T Stochastic quantization of Yang-Mills field theory:Gauge-fixing parameter dependence and equilibrium limit %D 1987 %@ 0556-2821 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/60187 %X We calculate, in the framework of stochastic quantization, the one-loop-divergent part of the gluon self-energy and the triple-gluon vertex of pure Yang Mills field theory, with an arbitrary choice of the stochastic gauge-fixing parameter. This allows us to check that the strong conditions imposed by renormalizability are satisfied up to one-loop order. We compare our results with those corning from the Faddeev Popov theory and discuss the relationship between both approaches in the equilibrium limit. %~