%0 Journal Article %A Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio %A Martín Mayor, Víctor %A Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio %A Seoane Bartolomé, Beatriz %A Yllanes, D. %T Static versus dynamic heterogeneities in the D=3 Edwards-Anderson-ising spin glass %D 2010 %@ 0031-9007 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/45047 %X We numerically study the aging properties of the dynamical heterogeneities in the Ising spin glass. We find that a phase transition takes place during the aging process. Statics-dynamics correspondence implies that systems of finite size in equilibrium have static heterogeneities that obey finite-size scaling, thus signaling an analogous phase transition in the thermodynamical limit. We compute the critical exponents and the transition point in the equilibrium setting, and use them to show that aging in dynamic heterogeneities can be described by a finite-time scaling ansatz, with potential implications for experimental work. %~