RT Journal Article T1 Enhanced time response of 1-in. LaBr_3(Ce) crystals by leading edge and constant fraction techniques A1 Vedia Fernández, María Victoria A1 Mach Henryk, Andrzej A1 Fraile Prieto, Luis Mario A1 Udías Moinelo, José Manuel A1 Lalkovski, S. AB We have characterized in depth the time response of three detectors equipped with cylindrical LaBr_3(Ce) crystals with dimensions of 1-in. in height and 1-in. in diameter, and having nominal Ce doping concentration of 5%, 8% and 10%. Measurements were performed at Co-60 and Na-22 gamma-ray energies against a fast BaF2 reference detector. The time resolution was optimized by the choice of the photomultiplier bias voltage and the fine tuning of the parameters of the constant fraction discriminator, namely the zero-crossing and the external delay. We report here on the optimal time resolution of the three crystals. It is observed that timing properties are influence('by the amount of Ce doping and the crystal homogeneity. For the crystal with 8% of Ce doping the use of the ORTEC 935 CFD at very shorts delays in addition to the Hamamatsu R9779 PMT has made it possible to improve the LaBr3(Ce) time resolution from the best literature value at Co-60 photon energies to below 100 ps. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PB Elsevier Science BV SN 0168-9002 YR 2015 FD 2015-09-21 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/24134 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/24134 LA eng NO [1] E. V. V. Loef, P. Dorenbos, C. W. E. van Ejik, K. Krämer, H. U. Güdel, Scintillation properties of LaBr3:Ce3+ crystals: Fast, efficient and high-energy-resolution scintillators, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 486 (2002) 254–258.[2] K. Shah, J. Glodo, M. Klugerman, W. Moses, S. Derenzo, M.Weber, LaBr3:Ce scintillators for Gamma-Ray spectroscopy, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 50 (6) (2003) 2410–2413. doi:10.1109/TNS.2003.820614.[3] S. Gobain, Brillance 380 Brochure.[4] P. 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V.V. and H.M. acknowledge the financial aid by the Consolider-CPAN CSD-2007-00042 project. The electronics for the test bench and the reference detectors were provided by the Fast Timing Pool of Electronics and MASTICON. NO MINECO, Spain NO ERA-NET NuPNET via Spanish Project NO Consolider-CPAN project DS Docta Complutense RD 6 oct 2024