%0 Journal Article %A Llavona, José G. %A Moraes, Luiza A. %T The Aron-Berner extension for polynomials defined in the dual of a Banach space %D 2004 %@ 0034-5318 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50057 %X Let E = F' where F is a complex Banach space and let pi(1) : E" - E circle plus F-perpendicular to --> E be the canonical projection. Let P(E-n) be the space of the complex valued continuous n-homogeneous polynomials defined in E. We characterize the elements P is an element of P(E-n) whose Aron-Berner extension coincides with P circle pi(1). The case of weakly continuous polynomials is considered. Finally we also study the same problem for holomorphic functions of bounded type. %~