RT Journal Article T1 Combinatorial Structure of the Polytope of 2-Additive Measures A1 Miranda Mnéndez, Pedro A1 García-Segador, Pedro AB In this paper we study the polytope of 2-additive measures, an important subpolytope of theIn this paper we study the polytope of 2-additive measures, an important subpolytope of the polytope of fuzzy measures. For this polytope, we obtain its combinatorial structure, namely the adjacency structure and the structure of 2-dimensional faces, 3-dimensional faces, and so on. Basing on this information, we build a triangulation of this polytope satisfying that all simplices in the triangulation have the same volume. As a consequence, this allows a very simple and appealing way to generate points in a random way in this polytope, an interesting problema arising in the practical identi_cation of 2-additive measures. Finally, we also derive the volume, the centroid, and some properties concerning the adjacency graph of this polytope. polytope of fuzzy measures. For this polytope, we obtain its combinatorial structure, namely the adjacency structure and the structure of 2-dimensional faces, 3-dimensional faces, and so on. Basing on this information, we build a triangulation of this polytope satisfying that all simplices in the triangulation have the same volume. As a consequence, this allows a very simple and appealing way to generate points in a random way in this polytope, an interesting problema arising in the practical identi_cation of 2-additive measures. Finally, we also derive the volume, the centroid, and some properties concerning the adjacency graph of this polytope. PB Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers SN 1063-6706 YR 2020 FD 2020-11 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/7574 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/7574 LA eng NO [1] T. Calvo and B. De Baets. 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