RT Journal Article T1 Tunneling, self-trapping, and manipulation of higher modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well A1 Gillet, J. A1 Garcia March, M. A. A1 Busch, Th A1 Sols Lucía, Fernando AB We consider an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric one-dimensional double-well potential in the four-mode approximation and show that the semiclassical dynamics of the two ground-state modes can be strongly influenced by a macroscopic occupation of the two excited modes. In particular, the addition of the two excited modes already unveils features related to the effect of dissipation on the condensate. In general, we find a rich dynamics that includes Rabi oscillations, a mixed Josephson-Rabi regime, self-trapping, chaotic behavior, and the existence of fixed points. We investigate how the dynamics of the atoms in the excited modes can be manipulated by controlling the atomic populations of the ground states. 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