%0 Journal Article %A Sánchez Fernández, D. %A Martín Chivelet, Javier %A López Gómez, José %A Márquez Aliaga, Ana %A Márquez, Leopoldo %T La faciès Muschelkalk en la franja Mijares-Monserrat (Cordillera Ibérica Meridional, Valencia) %D 2005 %@ 1576-5172 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52490 %X The stratigraphical and sedimentological study of the Muschelkalk facies (Middle Triassic) carbonated unit in Mijares-Monserrat sector, (E. Spain), allows the recognition of subunits with different characteristics. The vertical evolution of these subunits represents the transition from alternate inter-subtidal shallow platform environments to inter-supratidal environments. Presence of the bivalves Leptochondria alberti, Bakevellia costata, Entolium discites and "Placunopsis"and the foraminifers Lamelliconus ex gr. ventroplanus-biconvexus, L. multispirus, L. procerus and Triado- discus eomesozoicus indicate a Ladinian-Carnian age in a broad sense. These general characteristics are common of the so- called "Mediterranean Triassic type" and particularly to the upper part of the carbonate unit of the Muschelkalk facies. %~