RT Journal Article T1 La faciès Muschelkalk en la franja Mijares-Monserrat (Cordillera Ibérica Meridional, Valencia) A1 Sánchez Fernández, D. A1 Martín Chivelet, Javier A1 López Gómez, José A1 Márquez Aliaga, Ana A1 Márquez, Leopoldo AB The stratigraphical and sedimentological study of the Muschelkalk facies (Middle Triassic) carbonated unit in Mijares-Monserrat sector, (E. Spain), allows the recognition of subunits with different characteristics. The vertical evolution of these subunits represents the transition from alternate inter-subtidal shallow platform environments to inter-supratidal environments. Presence of the bivalves Leptochondria alberti, Bakevellia costata, Entolium discites and "Placunopsis"and the foraminifers Lamelliconus ex gr. ventroplanus-biconvexus, L. multispirus, L. procerus and Triado- discus eomesozoicus indicate a Ladinian-Carnian age in a broad sense. These general characteristics are common of the so- called "Mediterranean Triassic type" and particularly to the upper part of the carbonate unit of the Muschelkalk facies. PB Sociedad Geológica de España SN 1576-5172 YR 2005 FD 2005 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52490 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52490 LA spa DS Docta Complutense RD 3 oct 2024