%0 Journal Article %A Artalejo Rodríguez, Jesús Manuel %A Gómez-Corral, Antonio %T Performance analysis of a single-server queue with repeated attempts %D 1999 %@ 0895-7177 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/57425 %X This paper is concerned with the performance evaluation of a single-server queue with repeated attempts and disasters. Our queueing system is characterized by the phenomenon that a customer who finds the server busy upon arrival joins a group of unfilled customers called 'orbit' and repeats his request after some random time. In addition, we consider in this paper the possibility of disasters. When a disaster occurs, all the work (and therefore customers) in the system is destroyed immediately. Our queueing system can be used to model the behaviour of a buffer in computers with virus infections. %~