RT Journal Article T1 Types of Older Adults ICT Users and the Grey Divide: Attitudes Matter A1 Alonso González, David A1 D'Antonio Maceiras, Sergio A1 Díaz Catalán, Celia A1 Sádaba Rodríguez, Igor Javier AB In a context where the proportion of older people increases, research related to active aging and digital technologies has generated a wide debate and numerous investigations aiming to implement new public policies. Usually these are based more on “classic” gaps than on the so-called “grey divide”, which focuses on perceptions and attitudes. To capture this dimension, a questionnaire was designed on uses, learning, and ethical, motivational and attitudinal aspects. A fi eld work was carried out aimed at the population of the Autonomous Community of Madrid between 65 and 80 years old, with quotas of age and sex, with a total of 785 cases, with a sampling error of 3.5% for a p=95%. The results indicate that, given the specifi c uses made by the elderly, they are marked by the ubiquity of the cell phone, which is basically used to communicate, to alleviate loneliness and to stay active. Thus, through a cluster analysis we have been able to elaborate a typology of users according to attitudes and perceptions (grey divide) allowing us to better characterize the levels of technological adoption in a wider set of factors. PB Universitae "Alexandru Ioan Cruza" din Iasi SN 1583-3410 YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/6999 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/6999 LA eng DS Docta Complutense RD 18 jul 2024