%0 Journal Article %A Sánchez Martínez, Sonia %A Horra Del Barco, Raúl De La %A Arenas Martín, Ricardo %A Gerdes, A. %A Galán Abellán, Ana Belén %A López Gómez, José %A Fernández Barrenechea, José María %A Arche, Alfredo %T U-Pb Ages of Detrital Zircons from the Permo-Triassic Series of theIberian Ranges: A Record of Variable Provenanceduring Rift Propagation %D 2012 %@ 0022-1376 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/42436 %X The provenance of the Permo-Triassic series of the Talayuelas anticline (Iberian Ranges) have been studied using UPbgeochronology (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) of detrital zircons. These intracontinentalsiliciclastic series were formed by extensive sandy braided fluvial systems associated with ephemeral lakedeposits and aeolian sediments, with paleocurrents suggesting constant NW-SE transport directions. Upper Permianreddish sandstones from the Upper Alcotas Formation (Lopingian) contain a dominant Variscan zircon population(290–360 Ma), which indicates source areas located in the axial zone of the Variscan belt, in the core of the Ibero-Armorican arc. However, in the Lower Triassic sandstones of the Canñizar Formation (Olenekian), the Variscan zirconpopulation is almost completely replaced by Cadomian zircons (520–750 Ma), with important Avalonian (390–520Ma), Mesoproterozoic (900–1750 Ma), Eburnian (1.78–2.35 Ga), and post-Eburnian and Archaean (12.4 Ga) zirconpopulations. This detrital zircon content now suggests source areas located more to the NW, in the Avalonianmicrocontinent, although a limited supply coming from the southern part of Laurentia cannot be ruled out. Finally,in the Middle Triassic (Anisian), the source areas returned to the Variscan axial zone, since the Variscan zirconpopulation is again highly dominant during this period. The changes detected in the source areas of the Permo-Triassicseries are related to the development and propagation of the Iberian rift, one of the large extensional structures thatdetermined the generation of the sedimentary basins and finally caused the breakup of Pangea. The methodologyfollowed in this article is very useful to understand the generation and evolution of these intracontinental basins andalso the relationships between the different rift systems generated in the North Atlantic realm during the Permo-Triassic times. %~