%0 Generic %A Susi García, María Del Rosario %A González Pérez, Mariano %A Barrio De Santos, Ana Rosa %A Antona Peñalba, Beatriz %T From linear questionnaires to computer-adaptive tests: Content development and calibration of the Digital Eye Strain Computer Adaptive Test (DESCAT) %D 2022 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/91416 %X We published in 2015 a linear Rasch-based scale (Computer Vision Symptom Scale, aka CVSS17) for measuring the computer-related visual and ocular symptoms in workers using video-display terminals. Because Computer adaptive testing (CAT) is currently considered a more efficient and less time-consuming (for test-takers) method than traditional linear questionnaires, we decided to create a new CAT for assessing these symptoms in general population. Therefore, the aim of our study is to identify content for this new CAT and to calibrate the items included in it. %~