%0 Thesis %A Rúa de la Plaza, José %T Amazon`s strategic analysis approaching the Spanish market %D 2018 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/15071 %X Amazon.com has not stopped growing since its foundation in 1994, and has become the leading company in the world of e-commerce. Amazon emerged from a great idea of its founder Jeff Bezos, who has managed to turn an online books store into a company that is constantly thinking about its customers and trying to innovate, either improving existing products and services, developing new ones or entering new markets.Amazon takes advantage of economies of scale that derive from its excellent distribution and logistics systems. Technological innovation is the basis for Amazon´s expansion, this is due in a large part to its investment in R&D that allows technological innovations.This work focuses mainly on the analysis of Amazon's environment in Spain, as well as, its hybrid business strategy, its transnational corporate strategy and its internationalization strategy, based on whether to export or create marketplaces. %~