RT Journal Article T1 Gas permeation characteristics of heterogeneous ODPA-BIS P polyimide membranes at different temperatures A1 García Villaluenga, Juan Pedro A1 Seoane Rodríguez, Benjamín A1 Hradil, J. A1 Sysel, P. AB Heterogeneous carbon molecular sieves and hypercrosslinked polystyrene microparticles adsorbent-based membranes with a (ODPA-BIS P) polyimide binder were prepared. The effect of adsorbent particles on the gas transport properties of heterogeneous membranes was studied. Permeability, diffusion and solubility coefficients of He, CO2, O-2 and N-2 were estimated for homogeneous and heterogeneous membranes at a feed pressure of 1 atm for different temperatures between 25 and 60 degrees C. It was observed that adsorbent-filled (ODPA-BIS P) polyimide membranes exhibit higher gas permeability in comparison with adsorbent-free membrane, while permselectivity is maintained. The results also showed that the adsorbents enhance significantly gas diffusivity in (ODPA-BIS P) polyimide membrane, whereas the gas solubility is clearly reduced. In both type of heterogeneous membranes, gas permeation and diffusion are thermal activated processes described by the Arrhenius equation, whereas the Sorption process is exothermic. The addition of both type of adsorbents to the (ODPA-BIS P) polyimide membrane increases the activation energy of permeability, this is mainly due to a significant increase of the heat of sorption, because the activation energy for diffusion is slightly decreased. PB Elsevier Science BV SN 0376-7388 YR 2007 FD 2007-11-15 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50988 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/50988 LA eng NO [1] D.Q. Vu, W.J. Koros, S.J. Miller, Mixed matrix membranes using carbon molecular sieves. I. Preparation and experimental results, J. Membr. Sci. 211 (2003) 311–334.[2] D.Q. Vu, W.J. Koros, S.J. 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