%0 Journal Article %A Suárez González, Pablo %A Quijada, Isabel Emma %A Mas Mayoral, José Ramón %A Benito Moreno, María Isabel %T Nuevas aportaciones sobre la influencia marina y la edad de loscarbonatos de la Fm Leza en el sector de Préjano (SE de LaRioja). Cretácico Inferior, Cuenca de Cameros %D 2010 %@ 0213-683X %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/44130 %X The Cameros Basin is a rift basin whose sedimentary infill is essentially continental with some episodesof marine influence. The Leza Fm carbonates (Enciso Gr, Barremian-Aptian) correspond to one of theseepisodes and their depositional environment has been described as lacustrine with occasional marineincursions. A detailed facies analysis of these carbonates in the Préjano area has led to the conclusion thatthe depositional environment of the Leza Fm in this area is in fact a system of coastal-lakes filled withbrackish water as shown by the abundance of marine microfossils (Dasycladales algae and foraminifera)coexisting with continental microfossils (charophytes). The age of the Dasycladales found in the studiedarea is Barremian-Albian and thus it confirms the Barremian-Aptian age proposed for the Leza Fm and theEnciso Gr. %~