RT Journal Article T1 Los modelos genético-evolutivos del Sistema Central Español:Implicaciones Morfotectónicas T2 Models of landscape evolution of the SpanishSistema Central Range: Morphotectonics implications A1 Pedraza Gilsanz, Javier de AB The characteristic morphostructure of the Spanish Central System corresponds to that of an ancient leveled massif, reactivated during the Tertiary Age by tecronic impulses related ro the Alpine Orogeny; that is ro say, it forms a block organized mountainous massif, or a «block mountain».Although noumerous genetic models about the formation of the morphostructure of these mountains have been proposed, only three of them could be considered ro be fundamental: the first one proposes a «polycyclic» or «hemicyclic» denudational and tectonic-uplift sequence; but, at the same time, it clearly shows a «stair-like» physiognomy shape (Piedmont bendlanch or Piedmonttreppen); the second one describes a «cyclic» or «bicyclic» model which could be inconection with a «block mountain» physiognomy; the last model suggests a denudational and tectonic-uplift interaction sequence, with an increase of the tecronic activity and an «etchplain» process development during the Tertiary periodo According ro the three basic models pointed to aboye, two main possibilities can be taken inro account to find out the tectonic implications in the evolution ofthe Spanish Central System landscape: the former implies that the tectonic movements and the denudational processes are alternative events in time; the latter implies that the tectonic and the denudational effects have a succesive andcontinous occurrence. So, the most interesting thing would be to conclude something related to this issue; as has been stated, it would be necesssary to make a global interpretation of the tectonic setting and, as a consequence, of the reactivated landscapes formation of the Meseta Region in Central Spain. Therefore, it would be essential to consider the following aspects: the behaviourof the tectonic movements during the reactivation, the geographical and chronological distribution of the tectonic impulses, the origin of the stresses and their way of transmission, and the precise control of the present and the near present day tectonic movements in order to define the uplift and subsidence rates. PB Seminario de Estudos Galegos. Area de Xeoloxía e Minería ; Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxía "Isidro Parga Pondal" SN 0213-4497 YR 1994 FD 1994 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/59880 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/59880 LA spa DS Docta Complutense RD 27 jul 2024