RT Book, Section T1 Single-Peakedness in Weighted Aggregation of Fuzzy Opinions in a Fuzzy Group A1 Montero, Javier A2 Kacprzyk, Janusz A2 Fedrizzi, Mario AB In this paper it is considered a formal approach to the problem of aggregating individual opinions in a fuzzy group, when alternatives can be represented in a real hyper-space and each individual defines his/her fuzzy set of non rejectable alternatives. On one hand, weighted aggregation rule for consensus opinion is axiomatically justified. On the other hand, it is shown a sufficient condition for the stability of such consensus solution. PB Springer SN 978-94-010-7448-3 YR 1990 FD 1990 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/60897 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/60897 LA eng NO K.J. Arrow ( 1951, 1964), Social Choice and Individual Values, Wiley, New York.Black, D (1958) The Theory of Committees and Elections. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeCholewa, W, Ruelle, (1985) Aggregation of Fuzzy Opinions: an Axiomatic Approach. Fuzzy Sets Syst 17: pp. 249-258 Dubois, D, Koning, JK (1989) Social Choice Axioms forFuzzy Sets Aggregation. Fuzzy Sets Syst, to appearDubois, D, Prade, H (1985) A review of Fuzzy sets Aggregation Connectives. Inf. Sci 36: pp. 85-121 CrossRefFung, LW, Fu, KS An Axiomatic Approach to Rational Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment. In: Zadeh, LA, Fu, KS, Tanaka, K, Shimura, M eds. (1975) Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes. Academic Press, New York, pp. 227-256Inada, K (1964) A Note on Simple Majority Rule. Econometrica 32: pp. 525-531 Montero, J (1985) A note on Fung-Fu’s Theorem. Fuzzy Sets Syst 17: pp. 259-269 Montero, J (1988a) Aggregation of Fuzzy Opinions in a Non-Homogeneous Group. Fuzzy Sets Syst 25: pp. 15-20 CrossRefMontero, J An Axiomatic Approach to Fuzzy Multicriteria Analysis. In: Gupta, MM, Yamakawa, T eds. (1988b) Fuzzy Logic in Knowledge-Based Systems, Decision and Control. North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 259-269Montero, J (1989) Weighted Aggregation and Single Peaked Intensities. Workshop on Aggregation and Best Choices on Imprecise Opinions, BrusselsPattanaik, PK (1971) Voting and Collective Choice. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeSen, AK (1970) Collective Choice and Social Welfare. Holden-Day, San FranciscoVansnick, JC Intensity of Preference. In: Sawaragi, Y, Inoue, K, Nakayama, H eds. (1987) Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 220-229 DS Docta Complutense RD 21 sept 2024