%0 Book Section %T Police Districting Problem: Literature Reviewand Annotated Bibliography publisher Springer %D 2020 %U 978-3-030-34312-5 %@ https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/8812 %X The police districting problem concerns the efficient and effective design of patrol sectors in terms of performance attributes. Effectiveness is particularly important as it directly influences the ability of police agencies to stop and prevent crime. However, in this problem, a homogeneous distribution of workload is also desirable to guarantee fairness to the police agents and an increase in their satisfaction. This chapter provides a systematic review of the literature related to the police districting problem, whose history dates back to almost 50 years ago. Contributions are categorized in terms of attributes and solution methodology adopted. Also, an annotated bibliography that presents the most relevant elements of each research is given. %~