%0 Journal Article %A Cebrián Fernández, María del Rosario %A Hortelano Uceda, Ignacio %T La vajilla de bronce de época tardorromana procedente del foro de Segobriga %D 2021 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/104155 %X The image of the Early Imperial Segobriga was altered from the fourth century as a result of the occupation both of public buildings and the city streets. The occupation of the porticoes, tabernae and basilica in the Augustan forum coincides in time with the construction of domestic structures in the stretch of the kardo maximus through which it was reached. This process transformed the public space –locus celeberrimus– of the local society in Segobriga into a place for living and working. Among the movable material found during its archaeological excavation are some bronze vessels and tableware –buckets/situlae, bowls and patera– presented in this paper. %~