%0 Journal Article %A Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen %A Baldo, Edgardo G. %A Pankhurst, R.J. %A Casquet Martín, César %A Rapela, Carlos W. %A Saavedra, Julio %T Edad y origen de la fluorita del yacimiento de la Nueva(Cabalango, Córdoba, Argentina) en base a geoquímica deisótopos radiogénicos (Nd y Sr) %D 1996 %@ 0213-683X %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/56938 %X The fluorite mineralization from the La Nueva Mine, has a Sm-Nd age of 130 ± 19 Ma, and thus mustbe related to the Lower Cretaceous late-Gondwanic extensional and magmatic event that affected theSierras Pampeanas Basement of Argentina. Hydrothermal fluids involved in the formation of fluorite were probably derived by mixing of two fluids, an ascending high 87Sr/86Sr one, probably equilibratedwith basement metamorphics, as suggested by the very negative ENd(130) values, and a second, "descending",with a low 87Sr/86Sr value. %~