RT Journal Article T1 Upper Bathonian ammonites of the Catalan Basin (Tivissa andCap Salou, Spain) A1 Fernández López, Sixto Rafael AB The two ammonite successions described in the present paper represent an unusuallycomplete sequence of Upper Bathonian deposits. Ammonites of the Upper Bathonian fromTivissa and Cap Salou (province of Tarragona), two localities of the Catalan Basin, allow torecognize several bio- and chronostratigraphic units commonly missing in the Iberian Basin. TheRetrocostatum and Angulicostatum zones (Upper Bathonian) and the lowermost Bullatus Zone(Lower Callovian) established for Submediterranean areas of Europe can be identified in theCatalan Basin. Epistrenoceras and Parapatoceras are common in certain levels. Phylloceratinaand Lytoceratina are virtually absent. Two specimens of Upper Bathonian Clydoniceratinae havebeen identified. However, the Discus Zone established for NW European areas of the SubborealProvince has not been recognized. The ammonite fossil assemblages of the Catalan Basin arecomposed by Submediterranean taxa during the Late Bathonian - Early Callovian interval. PB Department of Palaeontology Eötvös University SN 1219-3933 YR 2001 FD 2001 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/58916 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/58916 LA eng DS Docta Complutense RD 6 oct 2024