%0 Journal Article %A Martín Hernández, J.M. %A Mármol Queraltó, E. %A Gorgas García, Francisco Javier %A Cardiel López, Nicolás %A Sánchez Blázquez, Patricia %A Cenarro, A.J. %A Peletier, R. F. %A Vazdekis, A. %A Falcón Barroso, J. %T New empirical fitting functions for the Lick/IDS indices using MILES %D 2010 %@ 1570-6591 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/43003 %X We are presenting new empirical fitting functions for the Lick/IDS line-strength indices as measured in MILES (Medium-resolution INT Library of Empirical Spectra). Following previous work in the field, these functions describe the empirical behaviour of the line-strength indices with the atmospheric stellar parameters (T_(eff), logɡ, [Fe/H]). In order to derive the fitting functions we have devised a new procedure which, being fully automatic, provides a better description of the line-strength index variations in the stellar parameter space. %~