%0 Journal Article %A Ramirez, J. Martin %A Fung, Annis Lai-chu %A Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María %A Millana Cuevas, Luis Clemente %T Justification of interpersonal aggression in Hong Kong and Spain %D 2011 %@ 1874-3501 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/41978 %X This study reports the degrees of approval for different aggressive acts in a number of instrumental andemotional situations. A nationally-adapted version of the Lagerspetz and Westman questionnaire [1] was administered to332 university students of both sexes in Spain and Hong Kong. Respondents had to indicate levels of justification ofseveral aggressive acts of different quality and intensity in the context of different social justifications. Our results replicated the general findings of previous research in other cultures: in both samples, more drastic forms of aggression (e.g., killing, torture) were less accepted than non-dangerous forms of such behavior (e.g., hindering, being ironic); aggressive acts more socially justified (in terms of protection of self or other) were clearly more accepted than others with no such justification (problems of communication); and instrumental-motivated aggression was higher justified thanemotional-motivated aggression. Some differences in the level of acceptance according to the sex of the participants were found: women were more prone to a higher acceptance of acts and situations more related to emotion. Although both sexes justified aggression in a higher degree for instrumentally motivated situations than for emotional ones, males showed a higher acceptance than females for instrumental situations and a lower one than females for emotional ones. There were also some minor culturally bound differences in these attitudes: Spaniards accepted less than HK students aggression in emotional situations, specially for the cases of punishment and lack of communication, but more emotional acts, such as rage and shouting. Thus, patterns of moral approval of various kinds of aggressive acts are in a large part common to both cultures. Findings also confirmed a two-factor solution and the respective predictive power of justifications for aggression in instrumental vs. emotional motivated situations. The reliability and validity of this briefself-report have been further established by the present study, paving the way for future studies to measure instrumental and emotional aggression. %~