%0 Journal Article %A Higueras López, Cristina %A Rey Muñoz, Ana Isabel %A Escudero Portugués, Rosa María %A Díaz-Regañón Fernández, David Rafael %A Rodríguez Franco, Fernando %A García-Sancho Téllez, Mercedes Guadalupe %A Agulla Pérez, Beatriz %A Sainz Rodríguez, Ángel %T Short-Chain and Total Fatty Acid Profile of Faeces or Plasma as Predictors of Food-Responsive Enteropathy in Dogs:A Preliminary Study %D 2021 %@ 2076-2615 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/71679 %X Food-responsive enteropathy is the most common diagnosis given for dogs withchronic enteropathy, and there are no tests that can replace treatment trials. Furthermore, there is alack of information on the specific nutritional status of these patients regarding the lipid profile thatcould relate them to the state of health/disease. This study evaluated differences in short-chain fattyacids and the total fatty acid profile of faeces and plasma as possible indicators of food-responsiveenteropathy (FRE), as well as its relationship with body condition and the chronic enteropathy activityindex. Changes in the long-chain fatty acid of plasma, and short-chain, branched and odd-chain fattyacids of faeces were detected in sick dogs, and high correlations were observed between some ofthese compounds and the existing calculated indices. %~