%0 Journal Article %A Bernaldo De Quirós Aragón, Mónica %A Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier %A Estupiñá Puig, Francisco José %A García Fernández, Gloria %A Labrador Méndez, Marta Isabel %T Psychometric properties of a brief on-line screening instrument to detect at-risk gamblers %D 2017 %U https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/91740 %X Background: Gambling facilitates the development of psychopathologicalproblems in some gamblers. Rapid and easy detection of the presenceof these problems, or the risk of their development, will allow earlyaction at the beginning of the problem, including preventive action.For this purpose, we developed the “Sistema de Cribado de Riesgo deProblemas de Juegos” (SCRI-PJ [Risk of Gambling Problems ScreeningSystem]), an on-line instrument for the detection of people who have,or may develop, gambling problems. The goal of this work is to presentand validate the SCRI-PJ. Method: 85 people with gambling problemsundergoing treatment and 119 people from the general population wereassessed with the SCRI-PJ and the DSM-RT Diagnostic Criteria forPathological Gambling questionnaire. Results: The SCRI-PJ showedhigh internal consistency (α = .96), sensitivity (94.2%) specifi city (91.4%),with a negative predictive value of 98.6%. Conclusion: The SCRI-PJ is abrief and effective screening instrument to detect people with gamblingproblems or who are at risk of developing them. %~