RT Journal Article T1 Fuzzy Logic Techniques (FLT) in the Interpretation of the Responses Given to a Questionnaire Filled out by Professors in Spain A1 Gómez Gómez, Francisco A1 Munuera Gómez, María Del Pilar A1 Garcia Gans, Antonio AB This article tackles the study conducted through the application of Fuzzy Logic Techniques (FLT) to the responses given by the professors from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and other Spanish faculties. The questionnaire employed for this purpose was elaborated with the professional competences that are basic for Social Work performance in Spain. Its results confirm the principal hypothesis about how to make easier the decision-making that is provided by the method applied and, additionally, some of the differences with respect to the conceptions that professors hold in relation with competences towards Social Work are described herein. PB Centre for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. 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