RT Book, Section T1 Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Friedrich Händel: The Economics of Late Baroque Market for Music A1 Perdices Blas, Luis A1 Ramos Gorostiza, José Luis A2 Baumert, Thomas A2 Cabrillo, Francisco AB J.S. Bach and G.F. Händel were two outstanding German composers born in 1685, who revolutionised the world of late Baroque music. However, their professional careers took very different directions. Bach was an honest and humble “craftsman” who came from a long line of musicians and, like his predecessors, placed his skills at the service of a court or the municipal and religious authorities. Händel, for his part, always jealously guarded his independence and played a key role in the development of the concept of the “free artist”. Therefore, they embraced two very different models, which had a decisive impact not only on their socio-economic status, but also on the genres they explored and their understanding of musical composition. These models also influenced the amount of social recognition they achieved, both in life and posthumously. PB Springer SN 978-3-031-43225-5 YR 2023 FD 2023-12-28 LK https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/91781 UL https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/91781 LA eng NO PERDICES DE BLAS, Luis, y RAMOS GOROSTIZA, José Luis (2023): “Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Friedrich Händel: The Economics of Late Baroque Market for Music”, en Baumert, Thomas, y Cabrillo, Francisco (eds.), On Music, Money and Markets. Comparing the Finances of Great Composers, Cham (Suiza): Springer, pp. 21-43 DS Docta Complutense RD 21 jul 2024