%0 Book Section %T TeorĂ­a de la forma y sistemas dinĂ¡micos II publisher Editorial Complutense %D 2004 %U 84-7491-767-0 %@ https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/53252 %X Summary (translated from the Spanish): "In this expository paper we present some relations between the two branches of mathematics mentioned in the title. In particular, we prove some cohomological properties of the non-saddle decomposition of a compact ANR. We also present a study, based on shape theory, of the isolating neighborhoods of isolated invariant sets, from which we obtain a characterization of the attractors and some new results on the Lefschetz duality of the Conley index. Finally, we study the Morse equations for a Morse decomposition of an isolated invariant set.'' %~